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Undergoing Love Not as Easy as Saying

PINGIN DONG - Undergoing Love Not as Easy as Saying. Love is hard work! In our society, love sung, written into the story, talk about the beautiful ideals that coveted of all people.

Bidadari Marissa

However, while Madonna sang her love songs and cinemas showing films are intimate and beautiful love, the reality of daily life shows that many friendships do not last a long time, people who love each other can not survive in their love relationships, many families crushed and broken, communities are never free from crises relationships between members.

Relationships could be so fragile and fragmented. I used to be longing for love seldom expressed so clearly, but the love that is visible in everyday experience, rarely looked so crushed as it is today. In our society today is very competitive so felt a longing for a friendly, intimate touch, unite, and brothers. However, it has never seemed so difficult to satisfy the desire of the heart, as it is today.

Bidadari Chantal Della Concetta

The word that can summarize everything is "relationships". We want to get out of our solitude and loneliness, build relationships that can provide a sense of security, providing awareness that includes citizen or entity and that we have a good relationship. However, every time we try to build a relationship like that, we immediately felt that it is not easy to become close to anyone and see that the close relationship between fellow turned out to be complex.

Bidadari Luna Maya

If we feel lonely and looking for someone to drive away our loneliness, we will quickly be disappointed. A person that may be able to make us feel relieved and quiet for a while. However, soon it will feel that he is not able to provide a lasting excitement. He instead eliminate our loneliness, but show us how it's feeling. The more we hope others will be able to fulfill our deepest longings in, the pain is also felt that we are faced with the limitations of human relationships.

Bidadari Uli Auliani

Our need for a close relationship will quickly turn into demands. Furthermore, if we begin to demand love from others, love will turn into violence: caress a blow, intimate view into the view with suspicion, love relationship becomes rape.

By looking at people's yearning for love is so great turned out to be closely related to the violence perpetrated in our society, we are faced with the ultimate question : Which side are heavy love?


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